2008 - SPRING


This was the winter that in early February, in two days, brought close to twenty inches of snow to our area.  For the first time in my memory, the power company's meter readers didn't pass through on their scheduled date.  Instead, our bills were estimated, and may I say here that the figures were on the high side.  Fortunately, with the arrival of April, the daytime temperatures finally reached 50°F.  On the warmest of days, we actually opened windows!
In January, although winter temperatures became more temperate, the air was still chilly and the ground too wet from snow melt to allow Brandon and Sophia to play outdoors.  We brought out some of the games they received at Christmas. This one involves dominoes with spots up to a lot, and each quantity is a different color.  We placed them end to end and sometimes stacked them.  There were no winners, no losers.  That in itself made the game stress-free.  And boring....
Easter was early this year, in March, the weekend after St. Patrick's Day.  Here's Sophia in her Easter hat at the pre-school's Easter Parade.
Brandon's bicycle training wheels were removed upon his demand when he was three.  Sophia, on the other hand, seemed content to keep them on forever. 

Kelsi's two-wheeler with training wheels is too small for her now, so the girls were taking turns on Sophia's bike, something that irritated Sophia.  So dear Grandma (that would be me) asked that her folks remove the training wheels.  I thought that if we forced her to independence, she'd go willingly.  Silly me.  Those training wheels were given to Sherry to put on a bike like Sophia's for Kelsi.  Sophia has been reticent to master balancing and now good-natured Kelsi is sharing her bike with Sophia.

Nana and Pappap have returned to Ohio and moved into a home an hour south of here once Matt finished the remodeling.  They are in a rural community and their neighbor's son is active in 4-H.  Brandon and Sophia missed Matt's folks while they were away and enjoy their frequent visits.  Being able to play with the calf, goats and bunnies who live next door is a plus.

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