2006 - SUMMER


I have no excuse for my tardiness in updating the site.  That's not to say it hasn't been busy, because it has!  But one day rolled on to the next and then the next.  Nearly every day, and therefore, every week, was like the one before.  The normal routine was that Sophia and Brandon played on Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays with Christian and Kelsi.  Sherry and I again sat in the shade watching the kids play outdoors.

Relief from the heat
Water mains are flushed periodically to check pressure.  We knew when the task was scheduled and had the kids get into their swimming suits to take advantage of the abundance of water.  The cold water didn't deter their playing in it.
007 and Associate
The boys continued their dress-up play.  Last year's cowboys and indians were replaced by 007 and his associate.  Note from the expressions on their faces that this was serious business!

A walk in the park
One day, we packed a lunch to eat at a nearby park. Afterwards the six of us took a long walk following trails in the woods.  It was pleasant to amble along, the only noise being the excited chatter of the kids as they discovered acorns, animal footprints in the mud and the water lilies blooming on pads in a secluded pond.
I have a life to-do list.  On it is taking a hot air balloon ride and that's what Dawn and her family gave me for Christmas.  I waited until February to book a July date, but weather conditions were not acceptable until mid-August.  I love flying in airplanes, but this was nothing like that!  Our speed was slow, but I was too excited to relax.  I can now cross this experience off my list, but that doesn't mean I wouldn't like to go up again.

A few weeks before the end of August and start of school, Dawn took Brandon and Sophia to pick blueberries.  Brandon evidently stayed with the chore until the bottom of his bucket was covered; Sophia lost interest quickly and gave up after dropping a handful into hers.

Brandon's first day of school

Just as quickly as summer had begun, it was over.  This year Brandon became a first grader and Sophia began preschool.

Copyright ©2006  Kitty Park

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