Early in December the area received several inches of snow.  Many of us began thinking about Christmas and sharing the good feelings of the season with friends and family.

Now that Brandon's in school, I was invited to attend his preschool pageant ~~ all 15 minutes of it.  The children quietly entered the hall and awkwardly endeavored to climb the stage steps while looking over their shoulders for family members. Moms and dads reciprocated from the audience by waving excitedly.  Once eye contact was made, kids' faces would light up and they'd spring up and down on their toes, wave and call out "Hi, Mommy/Daddy!"

The lady in charge invited picture-taking folks to come sit on the floor in front of the stage.  Of course, Dawn and I joined the mad parade to the front while Matt stayed in the chairs monitoring Sophia's activity.  After snapping way too many pictures, we went back to our seats and the program began.  Brandon (in the red V-neck cardigan) likes to sing, but excelled at performing the hand and arm movements that accompanied their songs. 

Brandon and Sophia spent a long weekend with Matt's folks, Nana and Papap.  On the drive down, Dawn told Brandon Nana had a surprise for him.  Of course, he wanted to know what it was.  Dawn said she couldn't tell him, but it was something to eat.  "I know, I know!  She's making me macaroni and cheese!  I love her macaroni and cheese."  And sure enough, that's what she had for him.  Nana (known in adult company as Rhonda) e-mailed me pictures of Brandon and Sophia and I'm sharing them here with her permission.  That's Sophia in the beard, sitting on Papap's lap.


This year both sides of the family would be together.  Brett flew up from Orlando on Tuesday to spend four days with the family.  As we'd expected, Brandon took over entertaining Uncle Brett.  First there was roughhousing on the floor.

Then there was time out.

Before going to bed Christmas Eve, Dawn and Brandon set out cookies and milk for Santa. Brandon's first task on Christmas morning was to empty his stocking.

Matt's folks, Bob and Rhonda, drove up Christmas morning to share the experience of watching the two little ones open gifts from Santa and the people who love them most.


Following the day of excitement and glee came a day to ease back into the routine.  Brandon sat at the dining room table, pleading for someone to come play a new game with him.  Later, Brett and Brandon shared some quiet time comparing the size of their feet.  Finally, with the chair all to himself, Brandon fell asleep.

Copyright ©2003  Kitty Park


December 2002

Sophia was born on November 4, a day after Dawn's birthday.


Brandon was 3 on his birthday. 












2003 - FALL

Our weekly routine was altered when Brandon became a preschooler.  They are now with me on Mondays and Fridays and I've found those days in between allow just enough time for me to regroup in preparation for our next day together.  They are both inquisitive and will use their ingenuity to solve problems including accessing juice in the refrigerator, crackers in the cupboard and candy on the kitchen counter. 

With the change to cooler weather, some outdoor items have come indoors.  The most popular is their picnic table which also serves as a mini-jungle gym.  Brandon likes to be a dog and uses it as his house.  To Sophia it's a mountain to be climbed. 

In early October Brett stopped to spend the night on his way to a bike race in Canada. He had his bike with him, so he, Jeff, a friend traveling with Brett, and Brandon took a short ride through the complex before the "big guys" went for a longer, tougher ride. 

Brandon's now experimenting with riding while holding on with only one hand, and is even "popping (mini) wheelies."  He's also able to balance on the scooter he got this summer.  One of his favorite activities is to ride the scooter down the slope of the neighbor's driveway and turn into the lane. 

I hold my breath, fearing a "wipeout", but he negotiates the 90-degree turn flawlessly every time.  Occasionally he will take a spill on the bike or scooter and once he assures himself he's not mortally injured, will, in a nonchalant voice, diagnose what caused the mishap.  Generally he shrugs and declares, "I turned too sharp."  He has no fear but he's learning to be cautious. 


The weather was beautiful the first of November, so the party was held outdoors. While guests ate their cake and ice cream, Dawn encouraged Sophia to dig into her "smash" cake (made especially for the child's first birthday) and then helped Sophia open presents. 

Entertaining Brandon and Sophia, or at a minimum, keeping them out of troublesome situations, requires advance planning and lots of luck.  Child-size cardboard boxes kept them occupied off and on for several days.  Brandon immediately set about decorating his and then moved in. 

Sophia had a box like Brandon's, but found that what fits in one box may not fit into another.

There's something incredibly interesting to them about a two-seater airplane.  Sophia sits in front because she insists upon standing if Brandon "drives" from first seat, and Brandon said, "That's dangerous." 

Brandon likes to build and Sophia prefers to look at books.  Her favorite has textures she likes to feel, the most popular being a puppy with fur.

Copyright ©2003-2004  Kitty Park