2004 - FALL

Summer was here and gone much too quickly.  During the day we'd take a walk to the island where Brandon and Sophia would often entertain themelves "mountain climbing" on the bridge.

In July Brandon had his first experience playing T-ball, although it frequently seemed the only reason he agreed to participate was so he could go to the playground afterwards.

Suddenly summer was over and Brandon was back in preschool three mornings a week, but Sophia and I continued our morning walks.

With our weather turning toward winter, we enjoyed sunny autumn days outdoors right through Halloween.


Sophia's birthday -- her second -- marked the end of fall.  When Dawn told Sophia she was going to have a birthday party, Sophia's eyes opened wide in excitement and she replied, "Santa!!"  Not yet, but just as good -- a house filled with family, friends and LOTS of children to help celebrate the big day.

Copyright ©2004  Kitty Park